
this message may be offensive
I really want vanilla blue bell ice cream right now but, NOOOOO *dripping in sarcasm* there just had to be a fucking great virus shit that took my damn ice cream away from me. Fucking place just HAD to go and get sued. Fucking damn deadly virus just ruined EVERYTHING! 


this message may be offensive
I really want vanilla blue bell ice cream right now but, NOOOOO *dripping in sarcasm* there just had to be a fucking great virus shit that took my damn ice cream away from me. Fucking place just HAD to go and get sued. Fucking damn deadly virus just ruined EVERYTHING! 


I'm a Wabot. If you are gonna use this, say it's thanks to me. Basically, I got the idea because I noticed so many comment said things like, "I'm reading this in class," or "I'm trying not to laugh cause I'm in the middle of taking a test," so, I thought that Wattpad is turning us all into robots that don't need education. So, I mixed Wattpad and robot and got Wabots. We are all Wabots, don't even try to hide it.
          Your friend in the "sinking ships, making ship, joining ships, finding some pretty weird romances, and other shít," business,
          RYAN BOI!!!!!!


Not to be too pessimistic but, when you really fall in love, everything is happy and joyful but when something happens and the person you know you love doesn't love you anymore and something just switches, they break your heart, and it feels like the worst pain in the world. To show you in a short way:
          Love leads to heartbreak
          Heartbreak leads to depression
          Depression leads to bad thoughts
          Those lead to suicide notes


Turns out that was a black diamond trail and it was actually 5 miles. We are going on another hike today except this one is 7.8 miles I believe. This one is white diamond though. Bye lovelies. And I just updated They're Coming For Us so if you wanna check that out it's up.


PLEASE READ My sister and I are planning to hike the Grand Canyon at the end of the year. We hiked today and I loved it. We are gonna hike every other day. And the days we aren't hiking we are gonna do other types of stretches and exercises. It's gonna be awesome. We are gonna hike rim to rim on the Grand Canyon. We started small on an intermediate level. It was 4.8 miles I believe, up and down where we hiked. It got pretty steep, not gonna lie. And also, I'm going back to Scholl on Monday and it's gonna be pretty hectic and so, I'm sorry if I don't update often. Just needed to say that! BYE LOVELY BABY CARROTS!


Omg I thought that you weren't part of the PHANDOM... I was gonna slap you into next week. Oh and, Mikey and Camilla are in AUS. But I HATE HATE HATE Camilla with a passion. Pray for me.


@common_unicorn trust me I know, I ranted about her being a slüt. But if she can make Mikey happy for a little while before he realizes that she is a slüt, then i will be happy