
Hellloooo lovelies!  I’m so sorry for literally going awol for a year but I do this for fun and my life got so so busy (which I am so grateful for) but things are slowing down and I really reeeaalllyy miss writing so hold on to your tits hunnies because she’ll be back sooner than you think ♥️ 


Hellloooo lovelies!  I’m so sorry for literally going awol for a year but I do this for fun and my life got so so busy (which I am so grateful for) but things are slowing down and I really reeeaalllyy miss writing so hold on to your tits hunnies because she’ll be back sooner than you think ♥️ 


Hi babes!!! NEW CHAPTER of PERFECT FIT is now up! Thank you welcome to my new followers, and to those who are waiting for updates thank you for sticking with me. Also those still reading my other works, ya’ll are THE ONE!! SO much love and as always, enjoy the journey. X


Hiiiii I’m back from the dead  Sorry I’ve been MIA but life has beeeen hectic gosh…I’m back though and miss writing so expect an update very very soon. Love you all for sticking around and STILL reading my work. ONWTGG has almost reached 100k reads! Damn. Thank you ♥️♥️


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I am LIVVVVING for everyone’s comments on ONE NIGHT WITH THE GREEK GOD - y’all have me in stitches and I love it! Makes me smile everytime someone gets frustrated with or at the characters or when you root for the main couple I LIIIIVE!! Thank you all for reading…shit has been busy lately but I’ll try and update Elementis tonight ♥️ so much love!! 



          Read ELEMENTIS the prologue on my page now....I'm excited for this one, I've put a lot of thought into it so stick with me here my beautiful peoples...
          Also ONWTGG 12k reads????!!!! Ridiculous! so much love for you all!!


Omg omg y’all!!! Rolling on the floor crying, astounded at the love ONWTGG is receiving!! We were literally on like 5k reads this morning and now we’re at 7k?!!!! Y’all are ridiculous! ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️ Sending so so soooo much love for everyone reading my story, THANK YOU!! You don’t understand how much this makes my day and how happy it makes my heart…It motivates me to write and think of new stories as well (hint, hint ) LOVE YOU TO THE MOON AND BACK!! Xx