
Hey everyone I hope you're having a wonderful day/afternoon/night I came to drop by and ask if anyone would like to help me in making my stories and if you're interested please send me a friend request right here on my discord account 
          	Discord username - naunderscoreunavailable


Hey everyone I hope you're having a wonderful day/afternoon/night I came to drop by and ask if anyone would like to help me in making my stories and if you're interested please send me a friend request right here on my discord account 
          Discord username - naunderscoreunavailable


Good Evening comrades I'd like to say Happy Christmas Eve and Christmas to you all I thank you for reading my story I really do appreciate it, You all really made my year and I hope to have a better one next year I love you all!
          From: Aaron 
          To: You 
          This is Aaron signing off Peace!°°°


Note to self never stay up for 3 days straight with only coffee and energy drinks to support you  just to study for an Exam 
          AN: I'm so sleepy I might sleep for 2 whole days still though have a wonderful day Aaron signing off°°°


The unmistaken elemental user will be postponed for 2 weeks for I had an accident and broke my hand I deeply apologize for the sudden announcement but please be patient with my current state I'm unable to continue the story hope you understand and have a lovely day


@Aaron_Maron it's ok and hope your hand will ok take care of yourself