
Hey  guys  im  doing  great,i actaully  got    an  A on my math   test  my  teacher had 
          	 graded it wrong, anyway the  important thing is that  my story Bakugou x reader mermaids au  is no longer on hold i will try to  update   it during Christmas  break . I'm  about   to  head  to  sleep. Have  a great night/afternoon or morning   <3


          I see you added my book to your ‘FloatyFlowers’ reading list. That’s not her book, that’s my book. Check the author, I’m the author. 
          I hope you will remove my book from that incorrect reading list. 
          — YukioSnow


@LovelyAppleMuffin all I did was asking a question dunno what pressed you so much.


@SweetDaisyFlower if their book is not that good why did they add it to their reading list then hm?


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@SweetDizzyFlower  so you are trying to defend yourself after you stole someones story you're full of bullshit


Hey  guys  im  doing  great,i actaully  got    an  A on my math   test  my  teacher had 
           graded it wrong, anyway the  important thing is that  my story Bakugou x reader mermaids au  is no longer on hold i will try to  update   it during Christmas  break . I'm  about   to  head  to  sleep. Have  a great night/afternoon or morning   <3


Hi y'all, <3 guess who got a bad grade in math. i'm so upset. i studided for a week and a bout and hour and a half a day. it wasn't just me it was my whole class no one got higher than a c


@demonslayerfanxxx aww thxsss my teacher marked them wrong I got a b


@Aaliyahwasherexoxo don't worry every thing is for your good somewhere


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Guys my mommy is forcing me to eat healthy and eat whole grain shit and she’s making me go on runs cause I’m fat but I’m losing like weight sooooo yes ig


@demonslayerfanxxx lmfaoooo ik the feeling, i don't go to drive thru's. i only get food from fast food resturant when i've been out all day. <3


@Aaliyahwasherexoxo me who only get to eat whole grain and healthy food,never had that drive thru before - first time?


Guys just have some bad news more bad news and a lil but of good news 
          First off my good news is that I might be going away this summer to play in a football tournament as a goal keeper 
          2nd off I’m like the third goal keeper and they have to choose 2 keepers 
          3 I haven’t slept properly for the past week. And I might pass out cause like low key tho


@Aaliyah_211213 I was sad and happy about it. I hope you play as a goalkeeper without any problems.