
Don’t you just love when your friends make up a new word because English doesn’t have a word to describe what something is. We created a word for friends you grew up with and used to click but don’t click with them either but you still have to consider them a friend cuz you grew up together and see each other often. The word is olo(we can’t decide how to pronounce it we discussed over text)


Don’t you just love when your friends make up a new word because English doesn’t have a word to describe what something is. We created a word for friends you grew up with and used to click but don’t click with them either but you still have to consider them a friend cuz you grew up together and see each other often. The word is olo(we can’t decide how to pronounce it we discussed over text)


So the girl who sits next to me in 10th period literally went on a rant about how I’m so pretty and how I should think I’m pretty because I am and how I’m the prettiest person in the school! We don’t even really know each other we have a few mutual friends we sit next to each other I help her with work and understanding instructions when she didn’t hear them or understand them and she just started saying this out of nowhere we were not even talking we were just filling out a worksheet so a much needed confidence boost!