
I have a new story for everyone!
          	Demon hunting is not for the faint of heart. While fresh-faced hunter Hito has the passion and the drive for the job, she has a difficult time controlling her fiery temper.
          	When Hito's emotions get her dismissed from her position, she is mysteriously partially transformed into a demon herself. Hito and her former demon hunter combat partner Z must work together to stop Hito from fully metamorphosing into a demon and will be forced to unveil sinister secrets that challenge the way they view the world around them.


I have a new story for everyone!
          Demon hunting is not for the faint of heart. While fresh-faced hunter Hito has the passion and the drive for the job, she has a difficult time controlling her fiery temper.
          When Hito's emotions get her dismissed from her position, she is mysteriously partially transformed into a demon herself. Hito and her former demon hunter combat partner Z must work together to stop Hito from fully metamorphosing into a demon and will be forced to unveil sinister secrets that challenge the way they view the world around them.