
New versions of chapters 1-4 are up! I plan on doing 5 tonight and have it up maybe tomorrow... but I'll have more chapters with it, so, stay tuned!


Hey Guys! 
          So I've started editing and changing the current chapters! Some things are going to be changing, including the chapter numbers, so pay attention lol! 
          Also once I'm done fixing the published chapters, I'm going to keep going with uploading more chapters! So stay tuned! 
          So get ready because I am coming!! 
          I'M READY!!!


News News News!!!!!
          I just uploaded the actual Prologue for Secrets of the Unity! 
          I also added a content warning and a message from myself! They're at the beginning of the book, so if you're willing to retrace your steps, be my guest!!!
          I'd highly advise it! 
           hope you all enjoy it! 
          ~ A.S.H.


Hey guys!!!
          Sorry to say, there won’t be an update this week! 
          I’m changing the beginning (adding something chill worthy)… 
          And before I move on I want to have that settled because it’s going to play in so much to the suspense of the book! (Even though the novel is pretty much finished, except for professional editing and a new book cover!) 
          It’s going to be SUPER INTERESTING!!!
          I can’t wait for you all to read it!!! 


I'm not feeling well right now. Seems like I've got another head cold, and it's stomping me into the dirt right now. 
          So, that means that there won't be an upload tonight like I planned... I'm so sorry for the inconvenience guys... 
          Hopefully, after some rest, I'll feel better enough tomorrow to finish the chapters I've been working on to upload them... But we'll see. I'm going to fight and power through as much as I can; that's a promise!
          Stay Safe y y'all!


Great news!!
          Wi-Fi is back!!!
          I’m going to try and get this next chapter out by later tonight or tomorrow. 
          I think it’s going to be split into two chapters though, because of how long it is…
          But I’ll edit it and see. 
          Also I’m going to be going back to edit the older chapters— to fix grammar and etc— so look out for those! 
          I won’t be taking them down again… so don’t worry! Lol! 
          That’s all for now! 


Bad news guys… 
          Wi-Fi is out again, and I’m not sure when it’ll be back on, so the chapters that I wasn’t able to post this week will have whenever it comes back on… Hoping for next week, but who knows what’s going to happen… so sorry for the inconvenience!
          However, I’m working to make sure I have more chapters ready to be published when the time comes! 
          I’ll keep y’all informed on the internet situation from my phone, which is how I’m doing this now! 
          ~ A.S.H.