Just to inform you all that AREA85122514 Is similar to AREA of HEAVEN (Heavenly Realms + God). I am going to be a writer here in wattpad bcoz i enjoy writing, but something crossed my mind and it is God. He is like saying He wants me to spread His words in exchange of my sins in the past. And as I hear it, I willingly sacrifice everthing for Him. And you will across multiples of His words in my novel. If you think I'm here to be famous by using Him. Well you are wrong, I didn't even care about the numbers of my followers and votes. I'd care so much is my readers who absorbs God's word in their mind and reflect it into them. That is just may main objective bofore God will get me. So that I've done something in the world that have made God proud. It is just an info you all ha. I am just saying it. And I'm open to such bashers, becauce I'll learn from them. Because for me I am not expert in writing fully but, I'll try my best and God will do the rest. Again this is AREA85122514 doing this for God bcoz He love you. and us eternally.
  • Riverside Canasujan Carcar City Cebu
  • הצטרףMay 22, 2023