
I'm writing the 4th chapter to A Dream From Another Dimension: Semine Sacha book. I'll put it up once I have my hands on a computer.


It has been over a month since I last checked this account here and I am not real sure that anyone has a care anyway. During that time I have felt no change in how I feel and I came to realize why:
          1.) I used to be so apathetic and emotionless to everything around me, and now I feel everything I suppressed for so long that it is just too much for me to handle.
          2.) I am no longer a kid anymore, in less than a year and two months I will be an adult and I have watched my childhood pass me by without actually being a child. 
          3.) I have never been able to keep a relationship, intimate or not, for longer than two years because of one simple thing that haunts me even to this day and the fact that no one dares approach me or friends me because they think I am too "weird" or "estrange" but that just is not the case for me... I have lost my way with people and how to behave with them ever since I gave up on the outside world and sheltered myself inside my room... And I am still afraid, which is a new feeling for me, and one I loathe the most. 
          4.) I am still in grief and pain over the fact that the only other person I cared for in my life was left without ever getting a goodbye... They were my best friend for over five years when I was young and now, ever single time I am feeling alone or depressed, I remember them and wish they were still here with me as my friend and nothing more. 
          I still feel so alone, more so this year than the rest, and it just hurts to look at those who I seem to be drawn to in the early morning at school and those at lunch. No one has attempted to come over and visit, or hang out, and the only time I really talk to anyone is in the morning or at lunch at school and no where else. It is so painful just to be around them and hurts when away... I miss being emotionless and apathetic because now all I can feel is the pain and it is maddening to feel. A living hell basically. 


I have been feeling like crap these past few days and I think I am just going to go on a temporary Hiatus until I feel better and complete my Novel. 
          To those I'm role playing with:
          Just wait for me okay? I know there are not that many of you... But, will you wait for me to come back?
          Goodbye everyone!


As of the 27th of August I have begun school and this means my updates will be delayed til further notice. Please be aware that my scheduling will, or possibly will, be posted up so those of you who care enough to talk with me or read my current Novels will understand the hold offs. Thank you all.


Just to be put out there, these will be the people within my Novel 'Semine Sacha':
          Unnamed as Semine Sacha,
          Natalya White as Amorette Winter,
          Kioshi Usagi-Pavoné as Kianu Kika,
          Mathias Pavoné as Mahboob Kika,
          Older Keshet Tanaka as Keb Kika,
          Older Matty Jr Pavoné as Mithra Maska,
          Older Azuline Pavoné as Asis Asdis,
          Jaramina Lesard as Jazline Lisell,
          Martin Robson as Marcel "Marci" Robin,
          Justin Williams as Jus Wills,
          Diamondly Pacheco as Dillian Pacosi
          Anyone else who wants to be in my cast just ask!


These past few days I have been feeling down. Might be the fact that my summer was wasted hiding away in the basement watching NCIS and Criminal Minds, I haven't really been doing much or going out like I would like and just thinking back on it has brought me down. The only true friend I had moved across the sea and left me alone with my infuriating family. And just today I got into a fight with my stepfather over the petty Xbox and sleep isn't going to come easy. I feel like I am never going to be able to get out of this depression rut...


@balloonpoop I am considering that as an option but it is not easy when bears are most common here with where I live.