
Chapter 5 of Knight of Skies has been updated! Enjoy!


Hey! Just passing by to let you know your work is amazingly written and the characters are diverse. I also noticed there went quite a bit of research into them. I hope you didn't give up on the Cocoa story, I really like it so far. And I'm not the only one, since I've discovered your book through someone else's reading list.
          Anyway, goodluck ☆
          -P. H. Seth


I'm glad to hear that ^^
            And of course, I understand, take all the time you need.


@P_H_Seth Hello there! Thanks, that means quite a lot to me. I read your comments and they truly mean the world to me. I have not given up on Cocoa :) I sadly can't dedicate my full time to writing so it's a very slow process. Comments like yours help me not forget or give up though. So truly, thank you :)