
I know the looks awful, but they do say don't judge a book by its cover! Once again, I don't intend for this to be a very long fanfic but please give it a chance as all I'm really seeking is feedback!


thank you dear! i still don’t know how wattpad works.. and i do hope you read the summary or description of my short story.. you are so sweet for visiting my account.. 


@RMTMCM What's your first language (you don't have to say if you don't want to)? You speak English well though! But yeah, I can see why writing in a different language can make things more difficult :)


thank you.. at first, i was reluctant to put my imagine story in wattpad because English is not my language.. i could not express myself artistically.. everything is just raw and really straightforward.. i just wrote what i think.. i have a profound imagination but i prefer not to write it because i dont know how to express it, lol


@RMTMCM That's quite alright! I'm still relatively new to Wattpad myself. Yes, I've just taken a look at your the first few parts of your story and it's great so far!


Oh and P.P.S a possible idea for a shorter story is elaborating on the whole Lizzie-Car thing and experiencing the night from her POV and maybe even switching to Roger's POV at points, but I don't know whether this would be dull if you have already read my explanation of it in 'A Night at the Concert'? Another idea is adding little stories to my 'Thank God it's Christmas' from the band members and the other girlfriend's POVs and tying all the stories together at the end or would that be too 'Love Actually'? I don't know really, I like the idea, but I don't want it to be like I'm copying. I may possibly expand it over a year so then it was less like copying 'Love Actually' but then I still have concerns that with 8 possible POVs,  it may simply be too much to keep up with. Sorry for the rant but if you think one of those ideas would work then just pop in a request for it, I guess!


Okay, so nothing is set in stone but I may put 'A Night at the Concert' on hold, so that I can write another short piece. I find it quite stressful committing to a longer story, as I'm still finding my feet when it comes to writing fanfiction. Though I will most definitely return to it if I do decide to take a break, I think it may be beneficial to have some time writing smaller stories. This will hopefully mean that when I do come back to it, I'll have more experience and it'll be more enjoyable for you guys to read. Thank you for your patience!
          Cat x
          P.S. I know that there aren't many people following me, so it probably sounds odd me addressing you like there are many of you but whatever.