
To all the readers of Love and Deceit, I'm so so sorry for not updating for soo long. Most of you have probably lost interest already and that kills me honestly. Its just that I'm going through an important phase in my life which can make or break my future career. I'll update as soon as I can, pls don't lose hope in me :`( or the book.


Hey  Arisha~Thanx for adding "Crissa's Mate" to your list. And because you’re new to my work and such a sweetie, I'm sending you a short story of mine to save for those times you're home alone and feeling. . . well you know. . . a little naughty :) 
          Warning: There's some “mature content” in Part 4--but nothing you probably haven't already . . . thought about . . . (or do yourself sometimes on those long., boring, solitary afternoons :) 
          Enjoy my reads. And check out SHOW MORE on my profile for all 29 works—in various categories.
          Stay safe. Stay beautiful.



To all the readers of Love and Deceit, I'm so so sorry for not updating for soo long. Most of you have probably lost interest already and that kills me honestly. Its just that I'm going through an important phase in my life which can make or break my future career. I'll update as soon as I can, pls don't lose hope in me :`( or the book.


Thanks Arisha for putting  I'm a Cyborg's Pet  on to your reading list. OK I think I'm sounding a little creepy there  but as new authors still get a real sense of joy every time someone finds our work. Hope you enjoy the book. Thanks for making our day as writers!
           Hugs RK+Reb


@The-Scrivener Aw no problem ❤ and yeap i get what you mean because I'm a writer myself. The book was simply AMAZING, I don't know why more people aren't reading but I'm surr they will. ❤


We are sooo damn alike can we plzzzz be friends like seriously hmu...... Wow I feel like I accomplished something, my shyness might be going away or it is cuz I am not talking 2 u in person


@selenastarshine11 Of courseeee <3
            Lol same tho, I'm like really really really shy when i meet new people too