
Don't you just hate it when your chapter that you were about to post gets deleted for some reason so you need to redo it from memory in the middle of your online high school science class DRFTGYFDERFTGYHYGTFRGHJHGFCVGBHGVFCVGBH- I'M FINE TOTALLY NOT STRESSING


I decided to update my Wattpad page so I hope you like the new look! Also, I'm thinking about editing the Spider Duo story in the future once I finish with the next million chapters. I've noticed that 2019 me was not the best at editing and staying true to the characters sooo if you have a problem with one or more of the chapters, comment below here. Just tell me what the issue is and what chapter its on and I'll try my best to fix it! Try to not comment issues on the actual book though cuz it will be hard to look through each single chapter to find it 


Ok so usually when someone follows me, sometimes I'll follow them back. Usually, I do but since my account got botted, I can't tell if I'm following a bot or one of my lovely readers so until then imma just guess. If I haven't followed one of you yet I promise you that I will as soon as the botting on my account's followers stops!


oh hi kizuuu! XD


Okay, I am kinda lowkey scared cuz randomly more than 30 people decided to follow me as soon as logged on and some of them don't even speak English (I think not sure) and I'm starting to think they are bots cuz this has happened before. Someone, please explain XD


Currently texting my friend Shadow cuz im scared-


Okayyy its been awhile but I have an idea! I've noticed that my Spiderman Fanfic has been getting popular recently so I was thinking that maybe I could make a book for you guys with spiderman x reader one-shots! 
          Some of it will be connected to my Spider Duo story so it will kinda be like little sneak peeks of future events and lore.  You must be wondering though, "Saharis, why are you telling us this instead of surprising us?". Wellll I thought that you guys should know so you could give me ideas for the one-shot book. You can comment some ideas under here for now until I get the book's layout finished. I accept angst, fluff and anything expect uuuh *cough cough* lemons-. 
          Sure i might hint somethin happening later on if you know what I mean but still. Some of my readers are young and i'm not gonna traumatized them. Plus it makes me feel reeeeeeally uncomfortable- . Thats all from me now, feel free to give me ideas here or in private dms. Byeeeee