
How to feel words (amongst other things) has be reduced to Sample status. This collection of poems is currently under review for publishing!


I've been busy! I'm so excited to get Joon: Origins out to you guys! I chose to finish that one first as it's the first in what is going to be a series and it's shorter than Elegantly Bound which still needs to go through its next round of editing (Sorry Mom)! I feel like it's been forever since I out out anything new, it's driving me crazy!
          Man I'm so excited for this! Look out for it in June! I can't wait!
          -A. J.


Elegantly Bound, formerly known as Earthbound to my first readers has been finished and is taking a quick rest as it waits for it's next round of editing! I underestimated how long it would take! In the meantime, I'm editing one of my other books (which will be part of a series!) Joon: Origins! Can't wait to get it out there! I'm so excited for this as it's like nothing I've ever written!


Oooh how exciting


I've been doing a rewrite on my Romance Novel, previously titled Earthbound! With two chapters left, I want to tell you that I'm expecting to have it published for the end of March! 
          I'll keep you posted!
          -A.J Cheryl


Thank you for checking out my short story, HOOD. Keep Going! 
          I want to know what you think, so please leave plenty of comments.  You're opinion matters to me. 
          If you haven't already ready, hit that follow button on my main page to stay updated with all the latest news. 
          Thank you again. ❤❤❤