
I’m starting fresh. No more cringe.


this message may be offensive
I'm thinking about doing a fanfic book that talks about all the shit the old cartoons used to talk about. Rape, drugs, alcohol, all that crap. Tell me the universe, characters and want you want them to go through in today's society and I'll pick one to be featured in the next chapter.


hey AJ, not being rude, just I try find the artist of Soulmates but I look up the artist name in the info but not getting the artist I wanted, the spelling is right in the info or it spell wrong please send me the link of the cover of Soulmates, and sorry for asking


@user71824518 when I meant the rock pic of similar name of the artist, just the rock called amethyst not like the artist first part of the name amythest


@AJ-Cooper I try look for the artist in google and bing however I can not find that artist, I keep on getting is rock pic of similar name of the artist. Also not know the artist have twitter, DeviantArt, or have anything can share the art stuff


@user71824518 What? I don't fully understand. I thought I put the owner of the picture in the summary