
So, I've been watching a looooot of animes only to understand how trash my story is lol. There was that and I also gotta learn how to read my own work after finished the chapter, cuz golly does the grammar suck.


@AGuyWithNoLife hey, I think your latest story is amazing so far. And I love reading. But I did comment in it if you wanna use my ideas I posted. And can you tell me if you think they are any good or not?


So, I've been watching a looooot of animes only to understand how trash my story is lol. There was that and I also gotta learn how to read my own work after finished the chapter, cuz golly does the grammar suck.


@AGuyWithNoLife hey, I think your latest story is amazing so far. And I love reading. But I did comment in it if you wanna use my ideas I posted. And can you tell me if you think they are any good or not?


Hey guys! I'll be fixing older chapters from my story (since the grammar is on par with a third grader's level of writing, but then again, that's my level of writing). I'll be posting a new chapter soon so stay tune for that. I'm planning probably this week. So for now, ciao!