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AUGDGDSHDGSHDHD I JUST DISCOVERED AN OLD KAMJAY DRAFT IN MY DOCS HOLY CRAP.... i need to finish it like NOW holy shit my writing back then was kinda nice


i struggle so hard with choosing to write in either mark or hc's pov... on one hand, mark is my bias and he makes me go crazy so it would be nice to write descriptions abt him from hc's pov.... on the other, i adore hc and am accustomed to writing in mark's pov to write descriptions about hc


ajjdjskdhsjdhdha ok wow im not even into nct/kpop anymore BUT.... i want to finish up a markhyuck au that has always been in my drafts because i really like the concept,,,,,,,,,, and this time i'll write the whole thing and post it in parts for consistent updates