
Oh okay it’s fine :) anyways~ I’m just giving you idea so you’re not obligated to do all of them
          - A fic when they’re older and live together and we could have a glimpse of their life when they’re older
          - they had an argument one week before a party that they were invited, Arlo is jealous during that party because he think that person A is too touchy with John so he make out with John to apologises 
          -it’s Valentine day and John got some chocolate and a card in his locker, he don’t know who didn’t this so he’s going to investigate, he's going to got clue from his friends and other people during the day. At the end he know who did it so the day after Arlo's going to have a response to what he gave during Valentine day


PART TWO  。゚(゚´Д`゚)゚。
          “Holy hell”, he said, eyes widening.  I widened my eyes. I talked to him, “what did I say?” In a small voice. He brought up his hands towards my face. I flushed into a deep red. He asked, “Is that actually you?”. I was shocked that he knew. 
          “Y-yeah…” I turned away embarrassed. He looked at me with awe and said, “I like the new you just maybe don’t destroy the city while you’re at it?”. I stared at him, “What? Why in the world would I ever do that?”. He laughed, “Well I just happened to have watched Godzilla lately.” She laughed while crying, he looked worried for her. “You dont have to worry about me,” she calmly said, suddenly transferring back to human.  I looked back up at him, meeting his starry blue eyes. He looked into my eyes and finally pulled me close to his body. His eyes were oh so beautiful. He caressed me and leaned towards me. I leaned into him and 
          kissed his lips. We made out for 5 hours. I released my touch from him and felt my life changing, he was the star in my deep empty sky. 


IM DECEASED- “five hours” 。・゜・(ノД`)・゜・。


Part three? 。゚(゚´Д`゚)゚。


imagine having a dry convo board... thats just sad. 
          Therefore, I shall put smth even more cursed then ur pfp to fill the space.
          AHEM, presenting the short story I wrote when I was high on druggies, 
          "The Monster In Me"
           sled down the hill knowing that I will hit the tree but was careless. I wanted him to save me. My eyes reached out for his touch. He looks away and called out to his friend. Perhaps I was too clueless. Perhaps I wasn’t thinking in my right mind. He then looked at me with curiosity as he sees a tear from my eye. He runs over to me. He extends his arms towards me. I was still as a statue as he hugs me with his strong muscular arms and beautiful smooth hands. I gasp. His arms brought me warmth as he caressed me ever so  gently. I was feeling a bit better until I saw the look of his friend, her name was Stephanie and she had a angry face. At that moment I knew I had gained an enemy. I backed away slowly from him. He looked at me, then to Stephanie and nodded slowly while making a glare at Stephanie. I kissed his beautiful round lips. My face flushed as I got nervous, I thought to myself, “Oh no! When I get nervous I turn into a monster!” He looked shocked but moved closer where I can feel his body heat. I pushed him away and ran, afraid that he would see the monster me! A tail started forming and scales started replacing my skin. I was terrified, I have to leave for else he will hate me! I quickly ran, hoping that at he didnt notice anything was wrong.  As I ran my feet started changing. My whole body changed to a monkey, dragon animal with fierce scales along my back. Thank god I had already made it to my cabin. 
          Sadly, I became huge. I broke the cabin roof and towered over the city, over my crush. I was super nervous but hoped that my crush will not notice me as a monster. “Holy hell”, he said, eyes widening.  I widened my eyes. 
          bye I reached the convo message limit-




I never knew that I needed this- istg when I’m sad I’m going to read this AND YES PART 2


tell me if u want part two @ADonutsT