
letter soon, maybe
          	don't count on it


          I don't know if you're still here, but I really wanted to let you know that I loved the letters you wrote about Foggy Jack. This character is so underwhelming, and I really loved your work!
          Have a nice day!


@ACrownOfThorns (It looks like we're going to apologise at the beginning of each post, as I in turn apologise for the delay in replying, my brain is in slow motion at the moment..)
            No problem for it, I hope it's only not serious or temporary!
            Thank you! I really like it closer to Uncle Jack's last show, when he's going nuts, very nostalgic for his daughter, and also crazy about this "new" life.
            Yes, and we can see that he changes moods very quickly in the game, so it makes sense that his letters are varied, you're right!
            (I really don't think so. I tried to translate my letter from Foggy Jack into English, but I don't dare publish it, I'm a lump in English lmao..)


            All good!! Sorry if my response is a bit lacklustre at the moment, my brain’s currently a bit frazzled.
            And- I’m glad you like it!! I also very much like the demeanour and motive you gave him in your story! I think it fits perfectly into the game, and I could see it being made official! I made him outwardly threatening in some of the letters and not so much in others- because there may or may not be more than one hand writing those letters, also- don’t worry, I’ll take my time! I’m glad you’re interested in the story!
            With regards, Crown.
            And- no issue! But I think your story is better and cooler than mine!


@ACrownOfThorns (I'm replying with my other account, sorry about that)
            I'm glad you're still here!
            What great news you're telling me here, can't wait to see it! (I'm not saying this to put pressure on you, just take your time lmao)
            He's very threatening in your letters I must say, I really like this interpretation! After all, he did kill people!
            Personally I made him more, I don't know..maybe half-threatening and half-melancholic in the letter I made of him (which is so much worse than yours lmao)
            Best wishes to you too!
            (PS: Thank you so much for the follow, but it's your work that deserves to be thanked by a follow, here it is!)