
Hi I just read a Ciel x reader fan doc not long ago that I loved. Problem is it didn’t add to my library. It was about a girl who was supposedly a peasant but really her father had ruined the business and was now abusing her and Ciel helps her but it he’s helping her will the mysterious murders are happening in his mansion ringing any bells if it does please comment to help me!


@OliviaShaffer1 awesome so do you know what book it is or like title of the book please help I need to read the book again


Hi I just read a Ciel x reader fan doc not long ago that I loved. Problem is it didn’t add to my library. It was about a girl who was supposedly a peasant but really her father had ruined the business and was now abusing her and Ciel helps her but it he’s helping her will the mysterious murders are happening in his mansion ringing any bells if it does please comment to help me!


@OliviaShaffer1 awesome so do you know what book it is or like title of the book please help I need to read the book again


Hey when the update be for Mika X  abuse reader one  OK sorry  I just love so  I can't wait to read OK


@A1pha_wolf_cosplayer  OK  when done work on it I  will read OK bye


@OliviaShaffer1 soon right know I’m working on another book because of dumb writers block. Thank you though it’s nice to see that people are excited for my next update. If you have the time please check out some of my other works will I work on the mika x reader one.


I did a Mika X yuuchan fan fiction one shot OK  and one have photos and cosplay video to by read it if you have time OK bye


I’ll definitely read it. I LOVE cosplay