
No more books on here for a while . But I am writing a real book , an finding a publisher . Wish me luck :)


Heeeey. So long time no see? Since it's summer and I have a lot of free time I might reread My Savior and continue writing it. Or jus stop it where it's at. And I might have some new books related to real life that might be coming out soon :) but I would jus like to say I might be back! See you guys soon hopefully!!


Guys. I'm back. It's been a good couple of months. I don't know when I'm gonna start writing again. But I will soon hopefully. AND LAUNCH MY NEW BOOK!! I'm changing the name, winter coffee is no longer the name. Not sure what it will be. But I will let you guys no. Sorry for being gone for so long! But I'm glad to be back.


Heyy how you doing gurl?


@Wafflesforlife2457 I just don't like writing that much anymore. I mean, I'm writing a new book, but it's a normal one and not a fanfiction.


All my books are being discontinued until further notice. As I don't like the story lines of them anymore. I am making a new book, but I'm not saying the name. Not just yet. But it might be a normal book, or a Fanfiction. Not to sure just yet. But it will be coming out soon hopefully. I am very busy lately so I'll try my hardest. Thank you guys.