
Hello lovelies!!! I have updated TAPPP!!! <-- Isn't that the coolest anagram ever!? No, I know it isn't... Well anyway, for the first time in over a month, The Annual Pen Pal Project has been updated! Check it out!! Thank you wonderful people! =D


Hello lovelies!!! I have updated TAPPP!!! <-- Isn't that the coolest anagram ever!? No, I know it isn't... Well anyway, for the first time in over a month, The Annual Pen Pal Project has been updated! Check it out!! Thank you wonderful people! =D


oh my goodness it's been sooooo long! But I have updated!!! My apologies if you were actually waiting for an update >< can't promise that i'll be updating again soon because I've got my HSC trials in a couple of weeks... probably after that i'll be back online! sorry guys... and thanks for reading!!!!


@7Friday Greetings, i have been sent here by one of TomorrowsSeekers' fans to let you know, Chronicles of Time: The Lost Guardian has been revised, you should check it out now. Its totally awesome now. *Better than the ones in your library. Well maybe most of em -_-*


so I have recently noticed a spike in the amount of reads I have for the Annual Pen Pal Project! Whoa!!! If you're reading it, you've just inspired me to continue writing it!!! I'm currently writing right now! Get pumped for another lame-o chapter from me =)
          thanks guys!!
          (777 reads... =O)


Hi, I just came across one of your comments and I must simply bow to how "nazi" you are when it comes to grammars. I wondering if you could run down on mine and maybe proof read mine?:) I would love to hear some opinions from you:) I'm officially fanning you for being so OC on these kind of thingsX)