
First update in a while, sorry it’s not to any current story.
          	Just a 7.5k one-shot.
          	Hope you do enjoy though. 
          	Ant-Man will be back next year! 
          	Kyrie will lift the trophy in Boston! 


@77JD77 timberwolves win next time, but I called the celtics win


Bald Derrick White owns the Mavs  


First update in a while, sorry it’s not to any current story.
          Just a 7.5k one-shot.
          Hope you do enjoy though. 
          Ant-Man will be back next year! 
          Kyrie will lift the trophy in Boston! 


@77JD77 timberwolves win next time, but I called the celtics win


Bald Derrick White owns the Mavs  


If anyone notices, username changed. Not really anything special just felt like switching it.
          Still writing! Just trying to find time through other stuff + I want to up the quality of my work.
          Nba playoffs have been lit too! 


I'm so sad they lost bro 


this message may be offensive
If watching How To Train Your Dragon again when you’re older doesn’t make you cry, I would like to submit you into an insane asylum.
          Truly the greatest animated trilogy of all time.
          There’s a big of similarities between Astrid/Hiccup and Percy/Annabeth, but I don’t make that comparison often.
          It’s just such a beautiful story.
          Rumours have it there’s a live action reboot coming in June of 2025.
          I seriously hope they don’t fuck this up or I’ll fuck them up.
          Just daily thoughts, bout to go do some writing before bed! Yay! 


@77JD77 One of the single best movies I saw as a child. Easily makes the top 5 for movies especially the second one but they are all truly magnificent in their own right. 


@daytonadooley I feel similarly to this as I did to the PJO series. I understand why people don’t want them to swap, but if the actor can play Astrid how Astrid should be played, like Leah played Annabeth this first season, I won’t have any complaints.
            Life can’t be perfect, but i definitely don’t think we should be taking away chances from those who could portray the character very well.
            The only time race swapping is an issue is when the very character of that character involves and is strengthened by their racial background. 
            Astrid is a strong fierce headed Viking, that is it. Her ethnicity isn’t involved.
            I understand people’s anger, but I also don’t if that makes sense. 


@7JonasD7 I hate that they are going to only cast Astrid as a black person in the live action, look it up


“But if you got everything, and you’re not hungry, you don’t got much.”
          Quote of the week


I’m always hungry tho •_•


@Brrrrrrgoddamnit I heard it from a speech yesterday. Not sure which one to be honest 


Still working on Odinson, got some ideas for it that might take some time.
          I do want to say I’m unpublishing many if not all of my smut stories. I’m not against them, but I no longer want to be involved in that kind of writing.
          I want to focus on a more rich, detailed story like Odinson. Not saying Odinson won’t have some smut but it will be minor.
          I don’t want to be about that anymore. I hope you can all understand.
          Hopefully I can get something out soon.


@7JonasD7 im sad to see Metamorphosis go, as I believe it was an interesting story that had some great potential. With that being said, I’m excited to see where you take Odinson. It is by far my favorite story of yours. It has a great view on the PJO series and flushes out some lore that other stories never visit or just ignore. Patiently waiting for an update!! 


@7JonasD7  while I loved your smut fics, I get your reasoning. But dang, I should have downloaded those!!! XD
            No, but really, I get it. Anyhow, you don't have to hope that everyone understands. If they don't, then its their problems. The stories you wrote are yours: only YOU get to decide what you want to do with them. The same goes for what you wish to write. Only you get to make that decision: no one else.
            Although, do try to keep posting something, you know? For some time, we didn't get your quotes, so I got worried that maybe you'd gotten sick or something....
            Also, while I get that you don't do smut fics anymore, don't remove smut scenes ENTIRELY, would you? They keep things spicy~~XD


I'm thinking and planning the next part of Odinson.
          It's going to still have focus on relationships, but y'all better be ready. I'm in my action phase. We're going to have some heavy action chapters next time I'm able to write. Which should be soon hopefully.


@7JonasD7 Do you think you will update to believe too? Or you will focus on Perseus Odinson


Bet I’m looking forward to it 