
Hello readers & followers ! :) New chapter coming your way soon ! Sorry for the delay


Hi to all my devoted readers and followers ! :) Thank you so much for the constant support and I just wanted to say something quickly. I am very sorry  for (once again) not updating for a month. I have been trying very hard to find time to just sit down and write, but I am just so busy. I want to get the next chapter out to you all very soon, so keep an eye out! Thank you again for your patience. <3


Hello everyone! I know that not many of my readers will see this considering only 8 people follow me and I now have 1.2K reads... but I wanted to apologize for not updating my story for a month. I have apologized in my authors note on the chapter I just published, but I still wanted to apologize since as a reader, I know how annoying it is when a creator takes forever to update. I have been on vacation and still am, so it was hard for me to find time. But I am going to try to update more often and find some time. Thank you all for being so patient with me and all the support! <3 I am trying my best, but I am going to try harder! :)