
Abortion is not Murder .Im pro-choice .Its her choice to be able to have an abortion or not .Men should not be allowed to talk about abortion since it’s a woman’s personal issue and not a man personal issue .


@676yhg but technically you're murdering an innocent person by aborting it  therefore abortion is murder. I do agree abt the men thing tho. :) 


Abortion is not Murder .Im pro-choice .Its her choice to be able to have an abortion or not .Men should not be allowed to talk about abortion since it’s a woman’s personal issue and not a man personal issue .


@676yhg but technically you're murdering an innocent person by aborting it  therefore abortion is murder. I do agree abt the men thing tho. :) 


this message may be offensive
Wtf ,Did I just read some zarries are going to unstan zayn .Im a hardcore zarrie but it’s always going to be zayn and Harry >Zarry.I can give no fucks about the hadids .Yall are giving them attention and they love attention.I respect GiGi and Zaysn relationship,why the fuck would I hate their relationship.Yall are being hypocrites since y’all get mad when larries hate on el but y’all are also hating on GiGi .I know that El did some fucked up shit but she has matured .Gigi fucked up too and I notice she has matured too .Dont spread hate .Harry and Zayn both knew This relationship wouldn’t be easy .dont make one the victim in the relationship.They both did fucked up shit and made mistakes.Its a 50/50 .They are real life people and it’s always going be the actual person first than the ship .Respect both of them .I can’t imagine being a zarrie but doesn’t support zayn .I saw some comments saying but I love him .Im going to be supportive and I would always love him and I would never unstan him over a relationship.If you really love him ,you would respect him and this whole zigi relationship.I know that it’s a lot to handle but never lose hope for zarry . Remember to stream Better and spread love to the baby .


I wrote this very late and I know there errors And I would edit it tomorrow.


Hi ,I have lost all my respect for @zarrydocumentaries.Im not going to hate on her but I’m going to stop watching her videos and reading her book . I’m very disappointed  with the words ,she has said towards zayn .


@676yhg I agree but I'm gonna still read her book lmao, its rlly good  I was kind of upset because ZAYN is my favorite bug ig people have different opinions


@676yhg what’d she say? 