
I am honestly debating what to do so input would be nice... My wifi is back but super slow for a couple of reasons. I have a lot of family in town who are slowing down the connection!!! Also due to the family visit and I have been super busy so I don't think I will have time to get the chapter up tonight. It might go up tomorrow but I don't want to make any promises. Im doing my best to get new content out because I love this story and want to show you all where it goes but I feel like I am sacrificing my writing quality with rushing chapters. I don't want to change the posting schedule because it would lead to increased procrastination. I guess I am just frustrated and don't know good strategies to keep from writing chapters last minute. Anyone have any suggestions, recommendations? I have a couple school projects to complete but after that, I want to go back and improve the writing of the last few chapters. If you have post notifications on for me RIP... I would recommend turning them off. I will let you know when it is safe again. Happy Sunday guys, sorry I am not celebrating with some new story.


@Someshippingtrash My belated thank you. This is definitely a strategy that I will employ this week. I'll let you know how it goes but you might be a God-send.


@44fangirl44 My belated advice as a fellow procrastinator is this: Figure what the start and end of the chapter will be. Then, get down at least 5% of the rest done. Could be 100 words, could be 50. Just get something down. Then, the next day, do it again. Repeat until you have a full chapter. Once you have it, decide what looks good, and keep that. If anything looks bad, replace it. Rinse and repeat until you hit your deadline. This tends to work for me. I don't know if it will for you, but that's my process. 


so... are you gonna answer me when I ask what your AO3 name is? When I searched "ItsA44" on Ao3 I got someone who only had Dream Team books, is that you?


@Iiesuu Yeah, I have rewritten Flip in my drafts but I fell in love with an SBI fic idea and have been spending a ton of time on that.


hai, wanna like... update soon? your book is nice, just don't leave us plz ^^


@44fangirl44 what's your Ao3 name?


@44fangirl44 both and neither


@Iiesuu Do you read on mobile or computer?


I am honestly debating what to do so input would be nice... My wifi is back but super slow for a couple of reasons. I have a lot of family in town who are slowing down the connection!!! Also due to the family visit and I have been super busy so I don't think I will have time to get the chapter up tonight. It might go up tomorrow but I don't want to make any promises. Im doing my best to get new content out because I love this story and want to show you all where it goes but I feel like I am sacrificing my writing quality with rushing chapters. I don't want to change the posting schedule because it would lead to increased procrastination. I guess I am just frustrated and don't know good strategies to keep from writing chapters last minute. Anyone have any suggestions, recommendations? I have a couple school projects to complete but after that, I want to go back and improve the writing of the last few chapters. If you have post notifications on for me RIP... I would recommend turning them off. I will let you know when it is safe again. Happy Sunday guys, sorry I am not celebrating with some new story.


@Someshippingtrash My belated thank you. This is definitely a strategy that I will employ this week. I'll let you know how it goes but you might be a God-send.


@44fangirl44 My belated advice as a fellow procrastinator is this: Figure what the start and end of the chapter will be. Then, get down at least 5% of the rest done. Could be 100 words, could be 50. Just get something down. Then, the next day, do it again. Repeat until you have a full chapter. Once you have it, decide what looks good, and keep that. If anything looks bad, replace it. Rinse and repeat until you hit your deadline. This tends to work for me. I don't know if it will for you, but that's my process. 


I don’t know if this will send but I wanted to at least try... the area I am in was hit with a tropical storm, trees came down on power lines and I don’t have power for at least three days. I have been writing on paper but there is no reliable way to post it. See you guys when they manage to get everything up and running.


@AuthorAnon_ I wish... I am just super out of the way so getting my power back is not a priority for anyone except the people on my street.


@44fangirl44 dang! I'm guessing you are somewhere in the Caribbean then?


Sup guys happy Sunday... I am unable to write the chapter tonight. I am not at my house and therefore have no access to my computer or my notes. I was planning on bringing them and then completely forgot. I could write off the script on my phone but that would take forever and I don’t have that kind of time. Tomorrow I am going to be ridiculously busy so I don’t want to promise an update but it will be top priority. The other thing is that I am planning on going back and editing the chapters that already exist. It won’t change the storyline but I want to improve the writing and add more detail.


I am so sorry about this super late chapter, I meant to put notice up earlier but things just kept coming up every time I sat down to write. I have a 5 hour drive tomorrow so I will try to get it finished on the way. It should be up by tomorrow night at the latest