
I am still in fact here! Just grown up and figuring out life! I have to go back and reread all my stories and since it's been a while my perspectives on things have changed and so the voices of the characters may be different! Sorry to all that have been waiting several Literal years for an update on my Naruto Fanfic!


I am still in fact here! Just grown up and figuring out life! I have to go back and reread all my stories and since it's been a while my perspectives on things have changed and so the voices of the characters may be different! Sorry to all that have been waiting several Literal years for an update on my Naruto Fanfic!


          So umm I loved your Fanfiction and I will comment soon, now I can’t because of a reason but I promise I will make a lot of comments tomorrow
          Uhh you can simply call me Data, and I think you deservemore folloeors and I promise I’ll try to help about that
          Good night^^


Dear people who like my 'stories' that are okayish I guess, but after I get back on track with my school work bc I'm struggling right now I'll update once again, but only on a few stories so I need to know what ones I need to work on later on in life lol


Thank you for voting and commenting on Depression Quotes! It really means a lot


I found that too when I was writing it


@_unicornprincesss_ They were just deep and I could relate to so many


So I just stared this so plz don't mind my inexperience


@404Kurapika you have a lot of inexperience