
This account is kind of on an indefinite hiatus due to a lot of life stuff and a lack of inspiration for any of the stories on this site. I'll probably still check it frequently but I won't be updating for a little while longer. As soon as I have inspiration again I'll do my best to upload some new chapters!


This account is kind of on an indefinite hiatus due to a lot of life stuff and a lack of inspiration for any of the stories on this site. I'll probably still check it frequently but I won't be updating for a little while longer. As soon as I have inspiration again I'll do my best to upload some new chapters!


For anybody who cares, I'm going to be starting my official writer's blog this weekend (hopefully!). I'm still working out all the kinks but as soon as I finish it I'll post the link on here. May or may not contain information on some upcoming stories....


It's, like, 11 at night but I have nothing to do right now. Look y'all, I've said it before and I'll say it again, I'm really sorry about not updating much. I don't know if I'll even be able to update within the next month. I'm not discontinuing any of my stories right now, I just need to wait until I have the time to really work on them and finish them.


I am going to be unpublishing some of the stories I don't work on often. When I get the chance I will improve them and republish them. I am not deleting any of said stories.
          The stories I have chosen to temporarily unpublish are as follows: -Dimensions Collide
          -The Phoenix and the Dragon
          -Lions, Badgers, Ravens, and Snakes
          -If I was a Witch
          I may also temporarily unpublish my Jelsa fanfic.


I'll also be trying a LEGO Ninjago story, which I said I'd try a while back and never actually did.


Okay, screw that last item.
          The one story I AM going to try to rewrite is actually one of my published ones, The Time Warriors. I'm writing it for my sister. Well, my sister pointed out that it's a very fast-paced story and said that I haven't spent enough time on the places and people of the story. I am going to rewrite The Time Warriors as well as what I have done of The Hidden Gems, focusing more on the world of the Stars.


Two more things that go with my last post. First, COMMENT ON MY STORIES! Whether it's a question or a suggestion or something else entirely, I WANT TO HEAR THEM! Second, I will begin re-doing my very first story that I deleted a long time ago about Minecraft. It is going to be called The Invisible Assassin Chronicles and probably won't be great, but I do want to give it another chance.