
Hey, Guys! I know I have been offline for ages. My exams are starting from 2nd February and my main exams will be in March. And I know, I have been barely able to update and I have been offline for way too long. But I was really occupied with studies. I hope you all understand. And today I am logging off. I will be back after my 12th grade. But I might come in just to talk with all my friends after pre-baords. I will miss you all. And if you guys wanna text me, one of my accounts @starsofthemorning will be on. I use it as a place to clear out my mind, so it will still be on even during my exams. So, you can text me there. I will miss you all, so I will come to talk to you all every once in a while.
          	Love you all so much! I will miss you all! Bye! <3 :)


@tanya_Sinha88 Sure, I will be waiting for that! :)


          Neobook bots, you know em, you hate em,
          If you get one of those bots, say “yes! I promote on neobook!” Or something like that, and let me aka @PixieStixInMyCereal , @CrayolaClown and @sovbritlover know!! 
          If you say no to them asking if you promote on neobook, they repost your popular stories to the website WITHOUT YOUR PERMISSION. 
          It doesn’t matter if you have one follower, or one thousand! Please spread the word so people don’t have their works stolen!!




@Xx-C0ff1n_Dw3ll3r-xX Well, I hope you're able to finish your stuff soon and be able to rest a little, everyone needs a break
            Yea, nvm, I was just mumbling away, haha


            sadly got stuff to do-
            and oh-


@Xx-C0ff1n_Dw3ll3r-xX Why can't you rest?
            I meant, I was just shy in approaching people to rp, even my friends who know me, haha, I am an idiot


          Thank you for following me 


@Alison_Morningstar Hi! You're welcome! This is my 2nd account, (I am starsofthemonring) so I am following all of my friends :D
            How are you? :)


Hey, Guys! I know I have been offline for ages. My exams are starting from 2nd February and my main exams will be in March. And I know, I have been barely able to update and I have been offline for way too long. But I was really occupied with studies. I hope you all understand. And today I am logging off. I will be back after my 12th grade. But I might come in just to talk with all my friends after pre-baords. I will miss you all. And if you guys wanna text me, one of my accounts @starsofthemorning will be on. I use it as a place to clear out my mind, so it will still be on even during my exams. So, you can text me there. I will miss you all, so I will come to talk to you all every once in a while.
          Love you all so much! I will miss you all! Bye! <3 :)


@tanya_Sinha88 Sure, I will be waiting for that! :)