
Hey everyone posted the new chap go check it out 
          	Remember to vote and comment 


Hello everyone I'm back I just posted a new chap and its divided in 2 parts 
          Part -1 and part-2 
          Before that I also have posted a picture special if someone has not scene it Please do see it cause it has new characters entry
          Please do share your comments and feedback 


Hello everyone I've just released two new stories with introduction.
          It's totally a two different genre one is action thriller and one is sci-fic 
          I've not started writing I'll work on this project after coming Back from hiatus.
          It's just the rough idea of my new plots which I will write along with the ongoing story 
          Why us? 
          Please wait for me to come back 
          I appreciate your patience 


this message may be offensive
Hello I heard there is some kind of notification problem. If you are not able to read the latest chapter 'stop with this bullshit pai' then please go to the profile and click on the latest chapter and still not able to see then just ping me on insta I'll upload it again.


Hello everyone I just posted the new chapter please go and check it out
          And as per the views I think many haven't read the last chapter so please read that chapter first .
          I'm really sorry that I forgot to put notice here after updating new chapter..
          Please read the chapter and comment on you fav lines


Hi big fan of this really interesting story 
          But the episode you recently uploaded is not loading  please upload it again 


@Ravi643 okay thank you so much  


@Ravi643 I'm really sorry just give me sometime I'll upload it again 


Sister I am reading every part of story . I really like the story and exciting reading next part .I am waiting for next part.


@SunandaNadar Thank you so much. Please always support me like this 