I didn't really want to write this but the only people who are going to read this are those strangely curious enough to view my profile from some random fanfic I commented on, so you're probably pretty cool. In that case, hello nice to meet you ? Though I guess we aren't meeting and realistically probably never will. Rest in peace our non-existent hypothetical friendship. On that happy note welcome to my account or profile or whatever. There's nothing here, but if you're as bored as I am all the time or need someone to talk to, I'll be honest I'm most likely not the best person to talk to, but I will talk with you about anything. Deadass anything. You may have already left, but, if you haven't, it was nice talking at you (not technically with you I suppose). Goodbye. Have a wonderful rest of your day, night, or life if we never talk again. Idk bro time is wack as shit.
  • JoinedOctober 12, 2018
