
Uh yea im kinda dead now...- idk i uh...idk anymore i just dont like reading stories on my ACCOUNT since this is like- on my SCHOOL email and such uhm..........so i dont like it at all. But im planning on coming every here and there also i wanted to list fandoms im in currently:
          	Captain underpants (kinda)
          	WOF (ooo yes hehe)
          	Lego Ninjago (i will read any comic about ninjago no joke but if your shipping child llyod x anyone thats a big deal unless its like- child llyod x child y/n or something- and i enjoy reading greenflame- tho it gets hate and its understandable- but i will read it-)
          	Gravity falls (im a simp for ford, stan (HOW DID I START SIMPING FOR HIM-) and bill qwq
          	Spooky month (in love streber x kevin, bob, skid and pump (plz dont ship them....unless their older then ok, but if their little kids doing the no no then no im- im sorry thats wrong.....)
          	FNAF (ive never played any cuz 'their to scary' says my parent XD but yea i love FNAF and yep!) 
          	Undertale (shall i say anymore..?)
          	Theres more but i dont remember oh- minecraft, roblox, ARK survival, Halo, cuphead, sonic, TOH, HTTYD, MCYT, LoveisLove (not a fandom i think but i support it) 
          	I think thats basiclly it that i can remember but bye bye guys


Uh yea im kinda dead now...- idk i uh...idk anymore i just dont like reading stories on my ACCOUNT since this is like- on my SCHOOL email and such uhm..........so i dont like it at all. But im planning on coming every here and there also i wanted to list fandoms im in currently:
          Captain underpants (kinda)
          WOF (ooo yes hehe)
          Lego Ninjago (i will read any comic about ninjago no joke but if your shipping child llyod x anyone thats a big deal unless its like- child llyod x child y/n or something- and i enjoy reading greenflame- tho it gets hate and its understandable- but i will read it-)
          Gravity falls (im a simp for ford, stan (HOW DID I START SIMPING FOR HIM-) and bill qwq
          Spooky month (in love streber x kevin, bob, skid and pump (plz dont ship them....unless their older then ok, but if their little kids doing the no no then no im- im sorry thats wrong.....)
          FNAF (ive never played any cuz 'their to scary' says my parent XD but yea i love FNAF and yep!) 
          Undertale (shall i say anymore..?)
          Theres more but i dont remember oh- minecraft, roblox, ARK survival, Halo, cuphead, sonic, TOH, HTTYD, MCYT, LoveisLove (not a fandom i think but i support it) 
          I think thats basiclly it that i can remember but bye bye guys


K, so uhm..my hermit crab died a while back, like a week ago, and im sad cuz my b-day is coming up (december 3rd) and i wish he was alive for it but after that i found out about bob...........and oh god how i love bob and want to just...IDiruhu
          I love bob, Bob vesleb is my friend/husband
          My bew kids i stole/adopted are skid and pump (even if theyarent related) and my best friends are Kevin and his vampire boyfriend UwU


Wow- is it me or am i crying over the season ninjago put out recently? BRUV- Lemme just tell you how i felt before and how i feel now.
          Llyod: is ok, he was never really my favorite-
          Kai: so hot. Hot like FIYHA!!! :DD
          Cole: i need this man right now. He needs to be happy. I love this man so much f---
          Jay: awww! A baby! :3 so cute omg- reminds me of me sometimes-
          Zane: being honest, when i was little i loved him. Hes smart, kind, caring and amazing idk hes just amazing. I still love him 
          Nya: amazing, they kinda out here there with powers so they had another reason to have her there- but shes awesome!
          Wu: .....bruv he is great....
          Garmadon: ....i wanted to be him........i mean.........hes evil but hes cool-
          Cole: I. WILL. STEAL. HIM.
          Zane: amazing. Hes still ZAAAANE!!! Hehe
          Nya: glad shes back...but eh- idk- i just...im not sure about her now :/
          Wu: old man? No! Very old man, that somehow moves around like hes in his 20's
          Garmadon: *looks around* i'ma...need that guy....uhm...no reason.....*looks around some more*


Hello! Im back guys! I will not be writing NSFW stories! And will rp as well! Im going to write fanfics as well! I dont know if they will have some nsfw or not, im thinking abiut it, but im doing less in all. Im happy to be back! ❤️


Hello! Please read my new story. I thank all of you guys who read my stories! But what I'm doing is for the best. This is goodbye, my reason is in my new story. Love all of you bean!! I will miss you all!! ❤❤ I hope you will forgive me one day, and we can have a laugh together. Bless your hearts and have a great day!


@234Magic432 bye:( and don't worry I will forgive you because people can leave if they want^^


Hi UwU
          It is me Mira, I am giving you a little one time message 
          Yeahhhh, my mom is mad at me again
          But I'm working on it
          Also my pronouns are they/them now :D 
          Also I'm totally not changing my online name to Constance (I still like Lemon tho XD)
          But yeah, *hug*
          I will be back in like.....time?


@234Magic432 heyyy
            I'm not nonbinary
            I'm Genderfaun
            Pls call me Kyle, Pax, Constance or Deni now
            He/They Is fun
            What am I doing anymore


@ChaoticLemons oh okie! I really do miss you! Scratch is lonely without you! I hope to see you soon!! ❤


this message may be offensive
Im going through a bit of emotions if you wanna know why see the Technoblade book a posted. Fuck cancer man. First my grandpa and then Techno. Who next? My boyfriend? My dad? My mom? My brother!? My best friend!?!? Another amazing person with a family!? So im not gonna post for a bit till im better. Maybe a month or 2 maybe less but im upset. Tell everyone you know you love them. Tell them to not go and stay with you as long as they can and love every memory you have with them. Today may be your last day with them.