
5 more chapters to edit and POL is complete. 
          	I hope you are enjoying the spice, the adventure, the fantasy. 


Hi, when are you going to publish the rest of Pantheon of Love?


@lustylibre Hello there! Thank you for The inquiry. Sorry for the editing delay. I spent a few weeks out of the country, then when I got back I was sick, and recently I injured my writing arm. 
            I'm hoping to get back to editing the remaining chapters very soon, hopefully in another week or two. Sorry for the delay and thank you so much for your interest. XOXO 


Hey friends and Fam, It's been nearly a year since I've added to Cirque de Monstre. I haven't written any new chapters, but I have quite a few I haven't added yet. So I will be working on that today and this weekend, then I'm sure that will inspire me to put the finishing touches on it. I hope you enjoy it and please leave comments and votes. XOXO


Working on a new POA chapter today. It will be placed between To Tartarus We Go and Prom. 
          Its title is Lupercalia and a lot of fun things happen.
          Be sure to check out POAs other new chapter, The Flower of Narcissus, posted yesterday.