
I find it's extremely funny that I've decided to delve back onto this website after 5 years, mostly to laugh at my cringe cringe profile. I would like to just denounce everything about this account, because yes, it's terrible. I would also like to let everyone know that I still do some very occasional writing (I'm an adult these days and I have a life - go figure) on Ao3 under screamingincolor. The plots are less cringy, the grammar is much better, and it's very very gay. Thanks lol


I find it's extremely funny that I've decided to delve back onto this website after 5 years, mostly to laugh at my cringe cringe profile. I would like to just denounce everything about this account, because yes, it's terrible. I would also like to let everyone know that I still do some very occasional writing (I'm an adult these days and I have a life - go figure) on Ao3 under screamingincolor. The plots are less cringy, the grammar is much better, and it's very very gay. Thanks lol