
@loveable_untouchable Thank you for applying. Please understand that we do not hold our personal accounts against accepting a staff member; it is based on skill. Also, please do not refer to us as the manager, refer to us as the magazine. Thank you.


Name: Winter Grace
          Position: Head Writer, Imagines or Short Fanfiction. (any writer's position will be completely fine with me though I would prefer the head writer spot to the normal writers.
          Experience: Never worked for a magazine before. This is definitely a change for me, but I'm excited! Also, I know that the experience section is required for editors and art related positions, but I have another site that I do my writing on. I actually just added this site to expand my writing.
          Examples: The link is: http://www.quotev.com/EatSleepFangirl . If you have any problem with the link just PM me back, and we can figure it out from there.
          If you need anymore information just PM me back. When will I get news if I get the job or not?