
How's everyone enjoying the updates? :)


          Just wanted to give a quick update & finally share some happy news: the rest of "Climbing the Walls" will be posted over the summer! That's right, you'll FINALLY get to read the ending to this fun, first story of 1D, Marissa & Beth, and life at summer camp! Writing's being done as we speak, and we're hoping to post a new chapter in the coming days! :)
          A small re-edit has been in the works for a while now - we've been going back through all of the early chapters and improving things ever so slightly. It's been a hell of a lot of work (but SO MUCH FUN), SOOO we just want to send a big thank you to everyone who has read, is reading, or will read and share! It means the world to us, reading some of the kind comments and thoughtful messages that we get - we've gotta send a massive internet hug to each and every one of you. For reals, give yourselves a pat on the back! :D
          Thank you for your patience and encouragement - as of this week, the story will no longer be on hiatus, or on pause! 
          You guys are ALL super awesome, SO incredible, and we're happy to have made so many new friends! Sending love to each and every one of you beautiful lads and lasses, with a big fat smooch and wishes for sweet dreams about your sunshine(s)!
          Be sure to stay tuned for a new chapter this week!
          - 1DAtlantic (@Craiclantic)!


Just wanted to tell everyone to keep their chin up during these trying times. Zayn loves the whole fandom, and he needed to do what was best for him, no matter how tough it was. I hope you're all doing well and staying as positive as you can! The other four lads need your love and encouragement now more than ever. xoxo!


Hi everyone!
          Thanks so much for the adorable messages of encouragement to continue and the lovely compliments the story has received! 
          We promise that it will definitely continue until it's finished, but have no idea when that will happen. I'm honestly hoping to put up another chapter sometime soon, actually! We'll call it a reward for being such lovey, kind and patient friends!
          Happy holidays to everyone in whatever you're celebrating - for my family, it's Christmas, so just a few more days to go! Hope you're not all snowed in. :) 
          Sending lots of love and snowflakes!


          Miss you guys so much! I thought I'd take a moment to write and let you all know what's up! "Climbing the Walls" is still on pause (sorry!) but I figured it would be nice to check in with you guys and give a brief update about life!
          This Uni semester finishes up on April 19th and then we have a few weeks of nothingness after exams, during which time I hope to write & finish up the story. Hoping, praying, planning to have everything written before we start posting again, so that there will actually be a regular schedule for you all!
          Other than that, life is okay! I seriously miss writing and interacting with all of you guys & the Wattpad community SO MUCH, and can't wait to get back on here daily to catch up! We're almost at 39,000 reads (which blows my mind because it's such a silly story!) and wanted to send some great big lovey hugs to you all.
          LOVE, LOVE, LOVE & HUG, HUG, HUG! Come say hi on Twitter if you'd like (@craiclantic) BC that's the easiest way to catch me!  You can also leave a comment or a post here, but no pressure, anyone! 
          JUST KNOW THAT YOU ARE LOVED AND APPRECIATED AND TRULY MISSED! Okay? Okay. Have a great day/night, can't wait to catch up with you all!
          - 1DAtlantic