
Not that important, buttt I have to attend a tour outside of town for the whole of next week so that will be it until next Sunday, April 21 (maybe I'll get the next two chaps out today, but  you shouldn't expect that much.. :D)
          	That's all, thank you for the support thus far! <3


Not that important, buttt I have to attend a tour outside of town for the whole of next week so that will be it until next Sunday, April 21 (maybe I'll get the next two chaps out today, but  you shouldn't expect that much.. :D)
          That's all, thank you for the support thus far! <3


Author please convert the sequel of Hank’s Heartbreak Playlist (LISOO) 


@17th_Scribe im still waiting for the first chapter author


@17th_Scribe thank u so much im so excited


@kAtOh_28 Hello! Sorry for the late reply but yes, I will convert the book,, but maybe not at this time bc I am still busy with college :D 
            Do expect the first chapters to be uploaded by the first week of March~


Okay so,, I wouldn't be able to complete my earlier promise yesterday of uploading Tracks 12-15 today because in a moment of stupidity I accidentally deleted my progress in ALL of them and so far I've only recovered Track Twelve T.T 
          I apologize for the delay and I'll try to get them up tomorrow (keyword is try) or if not,, then I'll have 'em by Wednesday.
          In other news, we've officially passed the halfway mark in HHP! Not sure if that news is as fun for me as it is for you but oh well.. 
          Have a good day, yeoreobun!


Not that it matters but.. we have a whole month of semestral break from college so now I finally have time to convert again ,, who knows, I'll even convert a whole book soon :D


@17th_Scribe ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️


@17th_Scribe Looking forward to ittt