
EVERYONE! I have decided that maybe I want to start writing another book. So if anyone has a particular ship they want (with a submissive Hoseokie, of course) or any storyline they want, please sent me ideas! Thanks!


EVERYONE! I have decided that maybe I want to start writing another book. So if anyone has a particular ship they want (with a submissive Hoseokie, of course) or any storyline they want, please sent me ideas! Thanks!


          Juz wanna drop by to say I rly enjoyed reading ur books especially da one wif mermaid hobi. Ur writing is beautifully illustrated through such details n humor da leaves me in awe.
          Hope to see more future masterpieces from u. No pressure sweetie n wish more people can read and recognize ur books...they r so underrated! 
          Kudos to u~~


Thanks! I’m really glad you love my work so much! Thanks for everything, I have the mental age of fourteen so I’m squealing inside my home right now...