
Claire: so how’d you know about the wether? Is it some kind of gift
          	Me: he has autism, he’s not peppa from encanto


hey babe so bc wattpad took away messaging im gonna message on here, u can delete it if u dont want it here lol. but ive made a fanfic on radioapple and i posted the first 2 chaps. id rllyy appreciate u check it out if u want? thank u sm xx


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Omg I almost just had a fucking heart attack-
          My mom asked if I was hungry and I said no and she said “you haven’t been hungry lately” and I said I already ate and she asked what I ate ☠️☠️☠️ I tried to come up with an excuse and then eventually said “i forgot what I ate”


*me and my mom people watching*
          Me: that guy is gay
          My mom: what? No he’s not
          Me: yes he is, you would never understand. Your straight
          My mom: *rolls her eyes* how is he gay
          Me: do you see how he walks? Dresses? Stands????


I think it’s crazy how I’m like ‘the grade pride person’ bc if sometime in my grade abt lgbtq+, they come to me ☠️☠️ like- I have an asexual friend, and she came up to me and it went like this:
          Friend: you know how I’m ace?
          Me: mhm
          Friend: will I still be able to be in a relationship? Because I still want to fall in love with someone but I don’t want the sex part
          Me: well you can still fall in love. Just because your ace doesn’t mean you’re banned from falling in love. Now, if you were aro and ace, then that’s a whole different thing-
          And another time my friend just kept asking random questions like “WHATS THIS FLAG” ☠️