gio reyna got engaged somebody sedate me.


when are u updating again pookie


long story short hopefully tomorrow


lmfao i feel bad for posting a chap then ghosting so i might write like 2-3 chaps and post them like every week (but i have nothing to do tomorrow so hopefully tmr + i think im gonna do a double update aswell)


Olá, como vai?
          Te convido a participar do D&T, um projeto de troca de leituras.
          Já pensou nos benefícios de uma troca de leitura?
          1️⃣ Conhecer novas obras
          2️⃣ Novas pessoas conhecendo sua obra
          3️⃣ Leitores fixos semanalmente
          4️⃣ Aumente seus views, comentários e votos (reciprocamente com a troca de leitura)
          5️⃣ Interação e ajuda de outros escritores
          6️⃣ Leitura organizada por regras e checadas por adms.
           O Projeto D&T é organizado pelo Whatsapp, há 4 anos, com mais de 400 participantes e 45 grupos de leitura.
          Venha conhecer um pouco mais, me chame que te darei maiores detalhes.
           Se tiver interesse entre em contato com a adm principal no 11987667421
          Diga que foi Athena que te indicou.


Hi, how are you?
          I hope you’re doing great! I saw that you wrote an amazing fanfic in English (Foolish One) and I was really impressed. I found your writing fascinating and the message very powerful.
          I’d like to make a proposal: I would love to translate your book into Portuguese. I think it would be a great way to share your work with even more people and perhaps reach new audiences.
          Of course, I would handle it with the utmost care and respect for your original work. If you’re interested, we could discuss how to make this happen.
          What do you think?


haloo kakaa, izin promosi yaa? 
            Eye contact antara gadis yang hobi bernyanyi dengan laki-laki yang menjadi kapten basket di sekolahnya adalah awal dari semua kisah mereka. Yang awalnya terikat dalam suatu kontrak berstatus "rekan" hingga mereka menceritakan kisah hidup nya masing-masing. Laki-laki dengan seribu tingkah lembutnya, dan gadis dengan satu tekad kuatnya akan menjalani hari-hari mereka yang tak luput dari berbagai masalah. Bagaimana jika status rekan itu akan lenyap? Apakah mereka akan tetap bersama? 
          jangan lupa ikuti kisah mereka di : 
          [Never Can Dear] ~On going 