He’s mine. You may have had him once but I got him all the time. 


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You must be super petty. 
          I pity you. Who, goes through so much trouble to steal an account just to post bullshit?
          To prove a point? 
          To make someone cry?
          Well, you've accomplished it.
          But in the process. You've pulled us closer to her.
          What a beautiful mess you've made. (:


Ooo the big and bad star~ Star's expolde. I'll make sure you end up falling without a land~ You think you scare me?~ You think yelling and trying to scare me will work? I have your account now. Play nice and I might give it back


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@-epiphxny Play nice? Ohoho~ You want me to play fucking nice? You know for everyone's fyi. I've BEEN playing nice. I'm not naive. I know things. I'm not stupid. I can put things together faster than you. I'm not scared. I'm just pissed. You think we're friends. Keep your friends close but enemies closer~ I'll destroy you. Then we'll see who's fucking around. You play nice and give it back and maybe I'll show you mercy. 