
There is an active shooter on the base were I live and I'm scared. We did what we could and now we're just waiting for it to pass. I was outside when I was warned about the shooter and there where many kids outside as well. A lady came up to me and told me I should get my family and go home because of the active shooter. Because of how loud the other kids were being they didn't hear but one kid asked me what happened. I told him about the shooter and that he should go home and he was able to tell everyone else. I rushed home with my little sister just to find out my mom was looking for me. That got me scared and soon enough I found out she was okay and came home. I'm really scared right now. I don't know the area were the shooter is and I could hear the sirens of different trucks. An ambulance siren sounded close by which got me scared even more. I just hope this will pass by soon. This is the second shooting this year. One was close by my school and they had they guy trapped in an area. They were able to get him I'm guessing because they were gone by the time school go out and I didn't hear any gunshots.


There is an active shooter on the base were I live and I'm scared. We did what we could and now we're just waiting for it to pass. I was outside when I was warned about the shooter and there where many kids outside as well. A lady came up to me and told me I should get my family and go home because of the active shooter. Because of how loud the other kids were being they didn't hear but one kid asked me what happened. I told him about the shooter and that he should go home and he was able to tell everyone else. I rushed home with my little sister just to find out my mom was looking for me. That got me scared and soon enough I found out she was okay and came home. I'm really scared right now. I don't know the area were the shooter is and I could hear the sirens of different trucks. An ambulance siren sounded close by which got me scared even more. I just hope this will pass by soon. This is the second shooting this year. One was close by my school and they had they guy trapped in an area. They were able to get him I'm guessing because they were gone by the time school go out and I didn't hear any gunshots.


I don't know if this is happening to everyone or if I'm the only one but I can't message. I have everyone still but the profile pic's are like this: ;-). It's weird. Every time I try to choose it then I doesn't take me to my conversation with them. If anyone could tell me what I need to do to fix it, that would be really helpful.


            that happened to me too for like... an hour :/


*Cough cough* Do you want to *cough* restart or continue *cough* the story? 
          Also I’m like literally dying over here in Sparta so yay


I still have the draft 


The one with the hunter and the princess?


          I hope i’m not pother to you, but I saw You’re post and... I can understant, I have debression as Well and I have cut myself meny times lately and I feel like s*ht every time I do something wrong. If you want to talk to me Then you can, If you don’t you can just ignor me. But the thing I’m trying to say is, i don’t think You’re a waste of space, things get rough but please don’t give up. I may not understant You’re situation compleatly, but still...


@Saanachankawaii13 thank you so much!! It's nice to see people caring about me.