
oh geez, its been a while, huh?
          	uhhh ive come back to wattpad because a person i lik moved their ao3 fic to here, BUT wattpad is having troubles actually deleting some old stuff that id rather not remember from my library
          	i feel bad having to do this, but ive moved accounts now! mostly for the library thing but also because some Bad memories are tied to this one so i just wanna start fresh, you know?
          	i wont be cross posting anything to my new one, but still! itll be there in case yall wanna talk
          	my new account is @0plushrabbit0 ! feel free to follow me there, but dont feel obligated to ! im still setting it up :pensive:


@0TheFrenchiestFry0 it says that the account no longer exist


oh geez, its been a while, huh?
          uhhh ive come back to wattpad because a person i lik moved their ao3 fic to here, BUT wattpad is having troubles actually deleting some old stuff that id rather not remember from my library
          i feel bad having to do this, but ive moved accounts now! mostly for the library thing but also because some Bad memories are tied to this one so i just wanna start fresh, you know?
          i wont be cross posting anything to my new one, but still! itll be there in case yall wanna talk
          my new account is @0plushrabbit0 ! feel free to follow me there, but dont feel obligated to ! im still setting it up :pensive:


@0TheFrenchiestFry0 it says that the account no longer exist


oh wow its been a while
          shameless self promo- my ao3 is DiamondWolf_YT go read more of my writing there lmao im currently writing a cookie run jellywalker fic rn and ofc its knight centric, my best friend is also my beta reader so she gets to see it all early uwu


Hey, it's been a long time. I don't know if u remember me, but we used to be really great friends on UTK.io you knew me as Starlikesapphire. I went inactive on there because of life and I also had gotten a phone so I wasn't on my other device, but I went on it today to see who all was still there and I saw that you were on here. So Hi. How has life been?


@0TheFrenchiestFry0 YEAH ITS ME! I know its been so long! Im SOOOOO sorry I went inactive. It was because I had gotten a phone and UTK.io was on my tablet. Im glad I went back on it and saw you were on here.


@VJSkil S
            S T A R ?????
            I. I REMEMBER YOU- OH WOW
            wow its been s o long??? ohmygod??? djsjnsjs


@Luna_Turtlez really? Cool! Hopefully she was saying good things XD.


I literally didn’t realize that you’re ffe and when I checked your profile I then smacked my hand against my forehead,,,,, I remembered looking at your username on tumblr before and went “huh, I’ve seen this somewhere before........ :///” but oof I’m a dumb nugget XDD (But cool beans, it’s nice to see you here too!! :D)


< ̄`ヽ、      / ̄>
           ゝ、  \ /⌒ヽ,ノ  /´
             ゝ、 `( ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) /
               >     ,ノ
          im dying on the inside. i hope yall have a good day because i certainly am not so far.