
wow guys i just logged onto my profile after a long while and i had 38 notifications. that may not be a lot to you guys but its a lot for me lol. i think i'm gonna start updating my stories again :)


when will u update "forget me not"?


@mairamohammad aww i'm so glad people are actually looking forward to my updates. This actually means a lot to me. Well the thing is I'm trying to update but i can never find the time to do it. so i guess its gonna get updated whenever but now that i know people are actually looking forward to my updates i'll try to update at least by the end of the week. but no promises :)


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Omg guys!!! My first ever book I've ever written just hit 1k reads!!! Holy shit I'm so happy!!! Thank you guys so much for your support!!! I know that a lot of people wouldn't be happy with just 1k but this is my first book so I'm am so extremely happy