
Should I come back to this?


          So I just want to notify people quickly about my OC's since they are going under HEAVY construction. 
          As you've probably noticed (or haven't) there are some OC's that have a star beside their name. This means that these picked few have been recently updated (because I know my writing back then was hella shitty and looked like a 4 year old wrote it) and are well written. 
          Though the ones without stars on the other hand, have not been recently updated. I'd hate to say this but these characters that DO NOT have a star by their name are completely off limits until I've updated them so I apologize for the newcomers who have been attempting to roleplay with these characters. But if you are already in a roleplay (you know who you are) with the non-star characters, I won't stop the roleplay or start it over but most likely, expect little to huge changes in these characters. They'll still have the same personality but more enhanced and less 'bleh' like they usually have been. ;-;
          Again I apologize for the ones who were trying to roleplay with these characters but I want to modify them first before they go straight into roleplaying so please don't get angry with me. 
          Anyways, I just needed to note this to newcomers incase they are looking for a roleplay with any of my characters and get confused when I change them all of a sudden. 
          Have a great day xx.