
hey guys so I have a question regarding renesmee Cullen. So, I wanted to implement some more “humaness” to her vampire form. Like where when she feeds she looks more like the vampires in tvd because she’s more “alive” so her veins show up when she feeds and her eyes go redder and stuff. I think it’d be cool, but I want an outsider opinion because I don’t know if that’s too much. And also note that that’s wayyyy in the future but I already have the second book planned out and I’m only 3 chapters away from finishing Photograph, so it should only take a few more months to complete it. I want to finish my planning, but I need your guys’ thoughts! 


hey guys so I have a question regarding renesmee Cullen. So, I wanted to implement some more “humaness” to her vampire form. Like where when she feeds she looks more like the vampires in tvd because she’s more “alive” so her veins show up when she feeds and her eyes go redder and stuff. I think it’d be cool, but I want an outsider opinion because I don’t know if that’s too much. And also note that that’s wayyyy in the future but I already have the second book planned out and I’m only 3 chapters away from finishing Photograph, so it should only take a few more months to complete it. I want to finish my planning, but I need your guys’ thoughts! 


Just to let yall know, I haven’t completely disappeared, I am in fact writing again and have taken far too long of a break, but I’m trying to finish another chapter of Photograph currently! Hopefully I’ll have it done today or tomorrow! 


I’m really sorry that I haven’t been posting, someone in my life has passed and, honestly, it had taken a fairly large toll on me. I just need to worry about being caught up on my school work right now. I’m going to try to write as soon as I’m caught up on my work. 


I won’t be able to update anything again today, but a fun announcement, I got new cats! They’re adorable rescues, who will hopefully get along with our two other cats(also rescues) :) I hope everyone who celebrates has a great 4th of July! And to the rest I hope you have a wonderful day


sorry y’all.. I’m in a slump because school is draining me with all these finals


@potenceezvoid Thank you so much!! I appreciate you very much<3


Take your time honey. Hope you’re doing okay