
wow I haven't been on here in over 2 years  hi y'all


I can’t be the only person who hasn’t changed this entire year. Sure I learned some and lost a bunch, but mentally I am the same and physically worse than the beginning of the year. Emotionally? I don’t even know anymore. Never really got the chance to express myself emotionally much this year. I hope you guys learned something from this year. Wear your masks, stay safe!!


@kenmaslilpuddinghead i love you more bubs!!


Same here babe :// and just remember that I love you and we can always talk whenever you want :) love you ❤️ 


I just remembered this time during lunch in seventh grade i fought with my crush to get a table outside in the yard and his friend ended up throwing water and a bag of chips on me. My ‘friends’ didn’t even do anything. WHY DO THESE EMBARRASSING MOMENTS JUST POP INTO MY HEAD!!!!


@Cosmic_Herron lol it happens when i can’t sleep and it just suddenly just comes to me.


Don’t worry you’re not alone it happens all the time to me sometimes when I just wake up