
With the wattpad DMS sadly closing :( 
          	I'm willing to give out my discord to anyone, I'll still be here if there is people who prefer message boards 
          	But whoever wants to start an rp (or continue) I'm down for that, just let me know if you'd like my discord


[ @livlivlife17 ]
          	  Oh I've already signed it, like 2 times! But I'm just not too hopeful especially because the goal of signatures keeps on changing


@-skullisms there's a petition you can sign!! Lots of people on Wattpad have signed it already to stop DMS from closing 


With the wattpad DMS sadly closing :( 
          I'm willing to give out my discord to anyone, I'll still be here if there is people who prefer message boards 
          But whoever wants to start an rp (or continue) I'm down for that, just let me know if you'd like my discord


[ @livlivlife17 ]
            Oh I've already signed it, like 2 times! But I'm just not too hopeful especially because the goal of signatures keeps on changing


@-skullisms there's a petition you can sign!! Lots of people on Wattpad have signed it already to stop DMS from closing 


When you get rolling cramps and a stomach ache , though you're on your period.... 
               Though you're still thinking it's something else because you're not the brightest with choices. 
          Eeeeeeesh I'm not making life easy on myself


[ @TheUpirPrincess2 ]
            I'm like 99.999999999% sure it isn't one tho, so I think I'm all gucci


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[ @TheUpirPrincess2 ]
            No because I was panicking that I was pregnant (don't ask, things happened) and so it was a whole entire thing of me being like "oh shit, is this some type of sign"


I feel like the closer you get to some, the more you lose them. 
          Because after I got to know someone's true colors. I really. Really don't like them. 
          And it's kinda killing me, barely know how to react to it at times and sometimes all I can do is cry because it feels like it's ending, but.... It's toxic now and awkward.




[ @-Lost_B0y- ]
            Even if it's barely surviving, I SUPPOSE WE SHALL


[ @-Lost_B0y- ]
            I'M GLAD YOU'RE ALIVE




Another rant of people being idiots in my school parking lot-
          This has to be shared because it just does, cmon. 
          I've had my beautiful car for like 4 months now, my beautiful 2017 Camry, she's my life and gets me everywhere I need in life. Love her to death. 
          I've been parking at my school for as long as I've owned said vehicle, and Thursday at 2:14 pm I was leaving the parking lot. And someone came around the corner. 
          This person was also in fact, PARKED ILLEGALLY, in staff parking. So he has to get fined for that. 
          But they come around the corner and I'm 3/4 out of my parking spot, right about to switch into drive because I park forward in spots. 
          But I was about to switch cars and I just feel our cars collide, I couldn't even believe this happened. 
          But they had the audacity to HONK AT ME right after they stop dead center of where I'm about to go, and I have to now go and re-park but they speed off and ride everyone's ass our of the lot. 
          So, I had an eventful week of that-
          Oh, and I guess our school officer claims I was at fault because I had like a millisecond to react to the guy just stopping there. 
          I know maybe I could have stopped before, but he had so much time before to have gone around me, no one was around us because no one leaves this early from the school 
          Anyways, the week sucked, my car has about a... 10 inch scratch on it that I'll get buffed out in the matter of a few months I'm hoping. 
          How is everyone else's week going?


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People at my school park like fuckheads 101-
          This is the first and will definitely not be the last because I am a high school student and some of these people should have been in drivers Ed longer <3
          The reason I even make this complaint is because today I wasn't able to even open the drivers side door a foot... That's how close this person parked next to me. And I parked with at least 8 inches to spare off of the white line-
          (There was actually someone nice who parked next to me but it seems she must have left before this idiot. ) 
          So today I had to brave almost ruining my beautiful cloth/leather seats and I shimmied my way through the PASSENGER side, and had to get in that way. 
          After, I proceeded to yell at them and said they "parked like a fucking idiot" (they didn't hear this, I was just having a mental breakdown in my car. Totally normal of me to do. I cry in my car a lot.) 
          Anyways, I hope everyone had a much more decent day than what I had to endure. :)


Who the hell reported my kinktober book!? 
          I've never had a book removed and the one time ONEEEEE time I post a smut book and people LOVED it, in just 2 months it got over 2k reads. 
          This is really upsetting, now I'll never get those chapters back because they were all written on the app. Sigh...


[ @livlivlife17 ]
            I won't name names but I really think it's one of my exes, DM me and I can explain a  little better


@-skullisms wait who then? Lemme block em just in case. Seriously what a dick move tho : (


[ @livlivlife17 ]
            That's wtf I'm saying, like it actually pisses me off because I didn't have any of them backed up. It honestly breaks my heart because I barely remember a thing. It was all saved HERE and I thought with all the content warning I'd be good. Though I suspect who it was :/


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After 6 finals and catch up work ... 
          I am officially done with 1st semester and god am I so ready for second. I'm happy with my C in interior design, I fucking hate that teacher. 
          I'll take the L and just deal with it because it's an elective that I really didn't want. Just needed to complete a graduation pathway.


Hopefully you'll get your own place...then you won't have to worry about getting woken up by your parents anymore.


[ @TheUpirPrincess2 ]
            I can never really "sleep in" because I always have to wake up at 8 even if I had the worst sleep over the days. It's just how it is when you have strict parents and get woken up no matter what :/
            If I "sleep in" then I will get in trouble and be told I've "been misbehaving and stayed up' when I just got drained from the week.


I know...but tomorrow is Saturday meaning you get a day off....and you get to sleep in...hopefully.   and when i went to school...i had three hours of sleep and when monday came around....i was a grumpy/angry mf. because i didn't want to get up and i wanted to sleep....in...but since i graduated...i get to sleep in more...and I do have some friends who are still at school and they also graduate in 2025 while others graduate in 2024