
made my story private, sorry to anyone who wanted to read it



hi! long paragraph incoming
          i've been pretty inactive in the kpop fandom which is why i've been debating whether i should delete this account. 
          i'm also a bit uncomfortable with shipping real people now, so i feel weird about my fic. 
          so now i'll probably unpublish my books, but i won't delete the account, i'll just be inactive. 
          i'll make a new acc related to my new fandoms, so if you'd like to keep in touch please dm me or reply! 
          because of this acc i've made a bunch of internet friends and had a place to share things. so while i do kinda regret the mANY hours i spent writing and reading fanfics of real people, i'm happy i joined wattpad and i'm not leaving soon lmao. 
          thank you to those who still follow me even though i've been pretty inactive for almost a year now, and those who read my stories! 


@-sangie honestly me too like I don't feel the same way at all about kpop and the fandom as I did at the beginning (over a year ago now) and I'm definitely uncomfortable with the whole shipping thing in kpop lol.


Just re-read Luggage and 3 months later, i still don't understand why it doesn't have more reads >:[


@-sangie ITS SO GOOD WDYM! I loved it, you should write another book :,)


@FELIXSDUALITY omg thank you for saying that! I'm still surprised it has that many views to be honest, I never thought it would even reach 100 :,)


Jaehyun, Yuta and Taeyong opened their Instagram accounts, just informing you if you haven't already followed them! 


@-yutodaa no one answered so thanks for actually telling me.


@Roseanne_Bae your question has probably been answered by now but they're
            @ johnnyjsuh @ _jeongjaehyun and @ yuu_taa_1026


@-yutodaa what are their usernames?