
—  01/22/24 . ROWAN .
          	new theme!!
          	„it's all blue...” „yeah dude, i change my hair every week get used to it”


— 01/19/24 .  ROWAN . 
          drumm rollllll !!!!!!!
          im rewriting lonely but beautiful COMPLETELY. it'll be around the same plot just a new title, new cover, description, characters, and all that jazz. im not going to overwork myself this time and ill be working on ONE story. 
          but for now.. i need some title ideas, along with fc ideas for a teenage girl in the apocalypse!


— 7/26/23 . LAV . 6:30
          im so sorry for disappearing, but i don't think i can
          finish any of my books. i lost interests in the shows/movies and i got bored of writing for them. i will be keeping them up just in case my love for any of them do come back. but this is me saying bye for now, i love u all 


— 05/07/23 . haylee . 2:29 AM
          go read my new hobie brown fanfic!!
          ill try and upload tons, i just dont know
          how ill do the scenes in the movie w/out
          being able to WATCH the movie yk??
          new chapter on drunk kissing soon maybeee!